Schwartz Clan

Schwartz Clan
Schwartz Clan

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 10 of pregnancy and other

This blog is going to be a great outlet for me to write out my feelings, and share with family and friends my experiences during this final pregnancy. I'm a little sad that this is the last one;( It's like one day, you go from being a first time mother, to BAM being pregnant with your final child. I plan on enjoying every second of this pregnancy, even the sick and uncomfortable moments. I may complain, but don't think for one minute, I'm not loving every second of being pregnant. This is my final journey!!! Bruce is planning on getting fixed after this baby is born, so this is it!

So, as you all know I was really sick in the beginning with this pregnancy ;( I even ended up in the e.r. having to get fluids pushed through me. Thankfully that part of my pregnancy journey is over with. I am nearing my 2nd trimester soon :) I have already started feeling better with the exception of being sick at night, every night. This has definitely been tough on my family and I. I was planning on homeschooling the kids, but things don't always go as planned as I'm sure your all aware of. The kids start school Mon. morning, they are looking forward to riding the bus.

 Now on to how my week has been. It actually started out a little rough. I was kinda sick and couldn't really spend much time with the kiddos. I hate seeing them suffer when mom feels like (well, not being a mom.) During the middle of the week I started turning a slight corner. I could actually wake up before 9 a.m. and make the kids some kind of breakfast. Before, my oldest two were pretty much doing everything. I have even been able to keep up with the mounds of laundry that seem to pile up on a daily basis. ( four kids, who would have thought;)) Friday was an absolute wonderful day. I woke up, made the kids breakfast, got them dressed and then headed for the school to register them. Then I treated them to Mickey D's for lunch. (not the healthiest, I know) they did enjoy it however... After that, I took them to the park for a few hours to play. It is always so nice here in California. It's like park and beach weather every day... Then, I didn't want to end all of our fun, so I took them for ice-cream. Ellie was such a mess! She had it in her hair, on her clothes, hands, you name it. I loved seeing them smile though as it has been a while. This pregnancy has taken a toll on me, but it has also taken one on my children:( It is now Saturday and I am nearing my 11th week of pregnancy;) I just keep holding out hope that I will magically turn some corner come my 2nd trimester, hopefully that's not just wishful thinking.

 Now to more pregnancy related stuff. I have been having very weird and vivid dreams lately as well, not to mention the loads of food cravings I have. I have craved everything from pickles to smores pop tarts.( u know me sweet and salty) Sometimes those cravings get me into a bit of trouble:( I usually end up puking instead of feeling fullfilled. It's amazing how a woman's body changes so much when she becomes pregnant. The things she use to love, she now loathes and can't stand the smell of, and vice -versa. I still loathe oatmeal though. One thing I really love and eat on a daily basis, several times a day our "salt n vinegar chips"... They are so delicious!!! Thank you to my wonderful preggo friends in a fb group I am a part of.

Now, on to Bruce, the man behind it all. He has been studying and working like crazy. He is also SUPER DAD! I don't know what I would do without him. When I was sick, he would come home feed the kids, clean the kitchen and house and even bring me the things I needed. He has always been there for me throughout every pregnancy and this time, it's no different. I can always count on him to be there to hold my hand through it all. Not only is he always there for his family, but he is just amazing at his job. He just got his flight suit and it is such a big honor. He's also getting ready to take one of the biggest tests that the missile career schooling has. I know he will surpass all expectations though. God seems to always be there for him in the important stuff.

Well, that's about how this week of pregnancy has gone. Hope you all enjoyed my rantings. haha

My first post

This is my first post on this new blog I have created. I especially made this blog for family and friends so that they could follow Bruce, I and the kids on our journey in life and my final and fifth pregnancy. I know it's so hard to talk to everyone on the phone all the time and I figured this would be a good way to keep everyone informed on what's going on in the Schwartz household. I really hope that you would all take the time to read this and respond, it would mean a lot to me, so I don't feel like this is all in vain.